The big chief
Captain Moroni

6" Captain Moroni

6" Stripling Warrior

Stripling Warrior (blue skirt)

Here's a Maya-style temple where you can play with your action figures. Alas, I don't think the site sells this. You have to buy it somewhere else or make it yourself.

I've written about the Indian-Mormon connection before. For instance, in Lamanites = "Filthy People" and Mormon Leaders Made a Mistake. Here's the basic story:
Genetics and the Book of Mormon
The Book of Mormon tells the story of a small group of Israelites, led by a prophet named Lehi, who fled Jerusalem around 600 BCE and traveled to the Americas. Two of Lehi's sons, Laman and Nephi, become the fathers of two separate nations, the Lamanites and the Nephites. ... For the context of the debate regarding genetics and the Book of Mormon, it is usually assumed that Lehi and his party had mostly Middle Eastern genes.
Nephites and Lamanites in the Book of Mormon
According to the Book of Mormon, the terms "Nephites" and "Lamanites" actually lose their original significance pursuant to the visitation of Jesus Christ to the American continent after His resurrection; His coming ushers in a period of peace in which the two conflicting nations merge into one, in which "There were no robbers, nor murderers, neither were there Lamanites, nor any manner of -ites; but they were in one, the children of Christ, and heirs to the kingdom of God." (4 Nephi 1:17). But later on in the narrative, as members of the unified nation fall away from the faith, the term "Lamanite" comes to signify wickedness (rather than blood heritage), whereas "Nephite" comes to signify a follower of Christ, both terms alluding to the previous nations' predominant moral tendencies. Eventually, however, even the righteous "Nephites" grow proud and fall into wickedness comparable to that of those termed Lamanites, though they retain the now rather hypocritical distinction "Nephites." The Nephites do battle with the Lamanites perpetually, until finally around 400 AD the Nephites are said to have been annihilated by the Lamanites in epic battle involving about two hundred thousands Nephities (and possibly larger amount of Lamanites) near hill Cumorah. The nation of the Lamanites is understood to have continued on beyond the close of the Book of Mormon. The Book of Mormon states, in an introductory paragraph added in 1981, that Lamanites are "the principal ancestors of the American Indians" (Southerton 2004, p. 156).
I guess the "stripling warriors" are Nephites too. For some reason, they have darker skin--perhaps because they're lower-class stock who have been mingling with the Indians. They're dressed like Middle Easterners, Mesoamericans, or some combination thereof.
These people have metal swords and armor. Oddly, archaeologists have never found these metal artifacts. Or any other artifacts of Middle Eastern origin. It's as if the Nephites never existed...!
I'm not sure how you're supposed to play Nephites vs. Lamanites without any Lamanites. Maybe you can pretend the dark-skinned Nephite warriors are "filthy" Lamanites. Or maybe you can use the Indians from your cowboys 'n' Indians set.
Summing it up, the wicked dark-skinned Lamanites corrupted the noble light-skinned Nephites, then massacred them. The Lamanites went on to become American Indians, the degenerate descendants of a once-proud tribe. When Joseph Smith found the Book of Mormon, he found a justification for the Euro-American conquest of Indians. The Nephites once ruled the land for God and Jesus, so white men could take it back from the savage remnants of the Lamanites.
For more on the subject, see America's Cultural Roots and Manifest Destiny = America's Pathology
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For more on the subject, see:
Mormon Action Figures Depict Indians, er, Lamanites
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