June 02, 2011

Klamath, Modoc tales become plays

Klamath, Modoc stories adapted for plays

The Klamath Union Theater Workshop students practice for “Coyote in Love with a Star,” an adaptation of four traditional Klamath and Modoc stories.

By Sara Hottman
Prancing, roaring, flapping, squealing, the Klamath Union Theater Workshop, an advanced acting class at the high school, will tell a series of four American Indian myths in "Coyote in Love with a Star."

The original short play is an adaptation of four myths from the Klamath and Modoc tribes.
And:The fables are primarily about creation--the beginning of the world, the formation of Crater Lake--and were written by students in the class. The performance is their final semester project.

Students will act out four myths: "Coyote in Love with a Star," "How Coyote Brought Fire to the People," "The War between Lao and Skell: A Legend of Crater Lake," and "In the Beginning of the Modoc World."
Comment:  For more on Native children's theater, see The Colors Started It.

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