By Gale Courey Toensing
Here's a translation of the board member's comments: "The brown-skins are telling us--white people!--what to do. Don't they understand that we're in charge? How much of this pretense of equality and sensitivity do we have to endure?
"The Indians lost...we own them...we made them our pet mascots to 'honor' them. And now they're off the reservation and on the warpath again? We won't tolerate these uppity coons, wetbacks, gooks, or redskins. If they don't like living in a white Christian country under our control, they can go back where they came from.
"This is our country, not theirs. We stole it fair and square. Finder's keepers, losers weepers."
Back to the 1950s
Really, this board member is okay with calling Indians "redskins" and the Japanese "yellow"? Is the person also okay with terms such as "spade," "mick," "wop," and "hebe"? I'm guessing yes.
Calling the Japanese "yellow" is decades out of date. Which again suggests where these people are coming from. They want to return to the pre-1960s era when whites called minorities whatever they wanted: "Negro," "redskin," or "yellow." And minorities either liked it or lumped it. Those were the good ol' days: when inferiors didn't have the right or the power to contradict their superiors.
Then there's the usual right-wing appeal to violence. This board member figuratively (or literally?) wants to kill anyone who disagrees. The brown-skins aren't quite American or human, the person seems to be saying, so we can do whatever we want with them. Like cats and dogs, we can "put them down" if they become too annoying.
Meanwhile, Eugene Stover has totally missed the point. It's not how you treat your Redskins mascot that matters, Stover. It's how your mascot "treats"--i.e., offends and insults--other people. Your intent is irrelevant compared to the outcome. If the mascot promotes harmful stereotypes, who cares about your childish obsession?
For more absurd mascot positions, see Miami Students Sing "Scalp Song" and Student "Tribe" Shows Team Spirit.
Below: How Wiscasset High School views minorities.

1 comment:
Interesting comment you make about "our country", I recently exchanged words with someone on youtube who wanted to keep America a "white" country (he/she was arguing that immigration was white genocide). I had to point out that America has never been a "white" country and that white people were the majority there because of actual genocide (not some white extinction hysteria that this person had), and by their own argument (white countries for white people) all white people should should go back to Europe.
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