Victor must've hired me for my good looks or sparkling personality. It wasn't because I'm an Indian. ;-)
Are you saying a non-Indian shouldn't care about an arguably racist stereotype? That it's solely an "Indian thing"? I thought the whole point of mascot protests was to get the mainstream (white) society to care about the issue.
If you check my postings, you'll find I frequently post about prejudice against blacks, Latinos, women, gays, and Muslims--none of which apply to me personally. Do you think that's wrong? Should I stick to "white male heterosexual" issues and ignore the problems facing minorities?
That isn't going to happen, but I'd love to hear an argument for it. Really, should I be myopic, self-centered, and care only about "my own" people? Make a case for this position and I'll consider it.
Suzette didn't answer--presumably because she couldn't. I guess she's tacitly admitting she was wrong. Oh, well...better luck with your arguments next time, friend.
For more on the subject, see Rob = Moral Police?! and Rob Unqualified to Discuss Stereotypes?!
Below: Not my place to criticize racist mascots? Says who? Who appointed anyone to judge my right to judge things? If someone's in charge of authorizing Native criticism, I must've missed it.

There's a word for it when someone claims that you are disqualified for speaking out on issues in account of your race. The word is "racist".
I applaud those whom step out of their own race to suppport another. I would hope that the non-African Americans that stood alongside of Martin Luther King Jr., were not all black and that leveling racism to where it belongs shows the world that we can all fight on the same side.
There were many non-natives that showed support, ie.,Marlon Brando, Dick Gregory, Peter Matthieson, Robert Redford and Peter Fonda, and continue to show support for indigenous causes and that it is completely acceptable to not always be the "expert" of the battle and that the battle being a continuing "learning process" should be a good thing and not a petty bickering person that claims to "know it all". I do not get this coming from Rob. He has a right to voice his opinion and on some occasions he does ASKS the questions and want feedback!
To put these issues out there is very important and necessary.
I recently saw a film called, "Older Than America" with Georgina Ligntning making her directorial/writing debut.
Although there were many things about the film I did not like, she addresses a very important issue with the history of Indian boarding schools in the US.
It is also healthy and important that we all grant each other healthy debate and constructive ideas as opposed to negativity and name-calling, that element only pulls the issue and the argument down to tantrums and stupidity.
We can agree to disagree, but if there is something legitimate to learn, a wise man changes his mind, a fool never does.
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